If there is one place where time froze for eternity, that place is Pompeii (no bad pun intended).

The town was destroyed during the eruption of the terribly close Vesuvio volcano in 79 CE, under the Roman Empire. It was burried in over 7 meters of volcanic sediments for 15 centuries. Continue reading “POMPEII”


If Paradise exists on Earth, it is in Capri, for me at least.

In just a few square kilometers, far from the continental frenzy, Capri conciliates and magnifies History (both big and small), splendid Mother Nature, urban pleasures, local handicraft, culinary arts and absolute kindness, basically the dolce vita you dream of. Because Capri is a sweet dream. Continue reading “CAPRI”


Let’s admit it, Northern Italy and Southern Italy are – under certain circumstances, including business – two different countries, in view of their respective functioning, mentality or in the explicit (and especially) implicit rules governing them. Continue reading “MILAN”